
(((ED.NOTE: It is cases like this th take me so disgusted with psychiatry as a science. Here is a "crazy mixed-up kid" if I ever heard of one. He is a homosexual-masochistic, coprophilic-incestuous- tangle, but because in addition to all of this he likes feminine attire he is classed as a transvest- ite and some psychiatrist has the nerve to classify him as a transvestite and discuss him as an example of a clinical case of transvestism. It was only at the beginning of this section that Hirschfeld is · quoted as advocating "the complete separation of transvestism from all other sexual aberations", and the statement made by the author that "nowadays al- most all writers regard transvestism as an independ- ent sexual deviation". Why then throw in all this hodgepodge. How can we transvestites look for any understanding, help or guidance from Psychiatry when its practitioners are so obviously confused themselves and so unscientific in their classifications))

Another example of masochistic tendencies in trans- vestism, illustrating Gutheil's "Martyr Complex", is Hirschfeld's case 12 who reported, "I imagine that I am forced by a woman to dress as a woman and expose myself to the teasing and derision by those who are watching me." Gutheil believes that an operation so intensely desired (castration) "also fulfills in part the tendency toward expiation of the sexual guilt". The same meaning is ap- plied to tatocing, which "represents an attenuated form of the desired or performed castration, an act of aggres- sion against the patient's own body...

A rare type of masochistic auto-erotic transvestism is the Strangulation Maxochism. "The masturbatory prac- tices of such individuals consist of dressing and making up as women and then performing an act of self-strangula- tion leading the patient to the threshold of complete as- phyxia. In many of these cases the act of hanging is im- itated, the constriction of the neck being used as a sex- ual stimulant....unfortunate accidents often occur... .."

To Be Continued